Aug 8, 2015

How to Run a Rampage of Appreciation for Money

Tomorrow I delete myself from the world... for four days.

No technology.

No distractions.

No human contact.

And a part of what I'll be doing while I'm away - since I'm gonna have sooooooo much god damn time on my hands - is to get back into practising rampages of appreciation.

Back in 2010, when I was a total groupie to Abraham Hicks, I used to recite the money rampage below every single day.

At first I felt like a complete nut case dork, but each day that I did it I noticed I started to feel better and believe it just a little bit more. It didn't seem like I had been reciting the rampage all that long when exciting things started manifesting into my life.

Winning a trip to New York to meet Taylor Swift, being showered with gifts from people, getting a brand new car and a new job without having to interview etc..

The thing about building a money mindset is you've got to try everything to figure out what works for you.

So for today, use this rampage:

Rampage of Appreciation for Money

"I’ll bet there are many people who, at one time, were standing financially about where I am. Who broke through this, and found a stream of abundance. And I can feel the stream of abundance approaching me, because things that have never happened to me before are beginning to show up.

So, I know my vibration around money is improving. And, there’s no end to what that improvement will be. And it’s gonna be fun for me over the next days to watch different evidences showing me I’m really sniffing out the trail of abundance.

And, I accept that 99% of every creation is complete before I see any physical evidence, so it’s alright if it doesn’t flow right into my hands this red hot minute. I can be patient here a little bit. 

I’ve learned to settle in here and I’m alright in waiting for this. And I’m actually beginning to feel my impatience turning to a little bit of eagerness. It’s going to be exciting to watch how the Universe displays to me, in a way that is meaningful, where I can consciously recognise that my energy is shifting. 

And, I can feel that even in this conversation that I’m having with myself that I’m moving systematically into that Stream of money that I’m wanting. And I’m not asking for it to come all at once. Although it can. I’m asking that it come through my crack of least resistance, which I’m working on right now. And it’s exciting to me to anticipate the adventure, and the surprises, and the ways in which it will flow.

And, I’m appreciating already my knowledge about my own guidance system. I am appreciating my understanding of the Law of Attraction. And I am appreciating the people that are showing, in a demonstrating way, that abundance can flow into their experiences. And I am looking forward to meeting people who can tell me their stories about how they were in desperate straits not very long ago and money began to flow. And I like hearing from them, especially the part where they say, ‘I can’t believe that it was always there for me’, or I have the sensation of, ‘Where have you been all along.’ 

In other words, it’s an interesting thing to be on one side of the manifestation one moment, and on the other side of the manifestation in the other moment. And I’m looking forward to breaking through that.

But, in the mean time, I’m happy to be on this side of the manifestation because I’m feeling better, and better, and better. I’ve improved my life in so many different ways. And I’m eager to begin to see the stream of money flow into my experience. 

I know that I’m worthy of it. That’s not what the question is. I know, now, that I’ve just been a little bit vibrationally out of whack. And I can feel in conversations I’m having with myself, like this, are bringing me vibrationally into alignment. I’m understanding that my work is this emotional journey. It’s not about getting out there and beating the pavement. It’s not about finding the vortex – the specific vortex – through which the money will flow. I don’t want only one specific vortex. I want many vortexes to open. I want to be the focal point, where enormous sums of money begin to flow into my experience.

I have activated my imagination. There is no end to my ideas of what I will do with this stream of money. It’s great fun! I love the idea of playing the game where I’m spending the money. I love the sensation of the money being in my pocket! And I love the sensation of expressing it out there in the Universe. And I love the economy that I benefit as I hire one more to do one more thing, or as I buy one more thing and bring it home. But most of all, I enjoy the sensation of Freedom! And it’s interesting to note that I am having that sensation of freedom right now even though my dollars have not changed at all in this moment! 

I’ve broken through the emotional journey. I can feel that I’ve cleaned up my vibration. I’m much closer. Maybe 70% of that 99.99 of that percentage is in place. I’m willing to play this game! Who wouldn’t want to play this game! It’s exhilarating to play this game! It’s life-giving to play this game. I could play this game all day, every day! Wouldn’t it be nice if I have that? Won’t it be nice if I have that? Won’t it be nice if I have that? Wouldn’t it be nice if I have that?

I feel such appreciation of the abundance that’s flowing into my experience. There is abundance that’s coming to me in so many ways. I have the abundance of clarity. I have the abundance of stamina. I have the abundance of health. I have the abundance of friends. I have the abundance of so many things. And now the Universe is getting ready to give me the abundance of dollars. The abundance of being able to prove to myself that I am in alignment of all that I want and that it is true that there is NOTHING that I cannot BE, or DO, or HAVE!

That’s what I want most of all, I say to the Universe! I want personal acknowledgment that there is nothing that I cannot Be, or Do, or Have. And money is part of it. Money might even be a big part of it. I can feel money on it’s way to me. And I am grateful for it even as it begins to flow and I am proud of myself for the work I am doing. And I am eager to improve where I am. And I am Happy where I am.

I am doing very well. I have come so far. I’m proud of where I am. I know the Universe sees me as I am. I can get on these rampages any time I want to. I am going to work on these rampages more and more, because they just feel so darn good. In fact, in a rampage like this, whether the money comes or not, in this red hot minute, is no big issue to me. I know it’s coming. I’m not even wondering if it’s coming. I’m not hoping that it’s coming. I’m not even believing that it’s coming. I know that it’s coming. It’s just a matter of time. NO! It’s not even a matter of time. It’s just a matter of my alignment with what I want. And it’s alright that I want it. The Time Space reality has given me the ability to discern it. I’ve launched rockets of desire and they’re over there pulsing with me. And Source and Inner Being are in alignment with them saying, “Come this way. Come this way. Come this way. Come this way. Come this way. Come this way.” And I can tell by the thoughts that I’m thinking right now I have come that way! I’m there! I’m there vibrationally and, NOW, let the money roll in!"

Now it's your turn: let me see your rampage of appreciation!

Elise xo

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