May 3, 2015

Free Printable: The Happiness Schedule

Happiness, I believe, belongs to those who define it. Because without stating precisely what it means to you, it becomes an elusive esoteric god-like feature that only the special among us ever get to taste.

Because even if you had it sitting right there in your sweaty little lap, you wouldn't see it. Because you'll already be looking for the next "thing" to make you happy.

But when you define it as clear as the Mediterranean sea - it's yours for the taking.

Happiness is really simple if you let it be. So for now while your complexly beautiful infuriating mind is off calculating how many lattes you need to stop drinking and thank you's you need to start saying. Just start here.

Because this is happiness and it's most simplistic.

(Click image to enlarge & save to desktop)

Save it as your desktop wallpaper, pin it to one of your boards on pinterest or share it on twitter and facebook. Let this be a reminder of how simple happiness can be.

Elise xo