Aug 22, 2012

6 Easy Ways to Break Out of a Funk

How is it that when we fall we all really know how to do it spectacularly?

Without a hitch we can single handedly send ourselves to the bottom of a Ben & Jerry's along with our self-esteem, pride and guilt.

Oh darling, you've made a wonderful mess haven't you?

It's a fact, we all hit a funk at some point during our lives (am I pushing it to say once a year?) when we just cannot be bothered at all. And when it hits it can be gloriously destructive to our health, our relationships and our careers.

WHAT, you didn't know this?!?

Don't fret my little potato pancake! I've got some sure-fire ways to get you outta that funk and back. to. life. back. to. reality... *ahem*

P.S I know these work because I used them to get out of my funk. Booya!

Acknowledge Where You Are

Mate, there's no point in denying that you're down right in the dumps!

If you can't admit it to yourself, you're going to spend more time like this than you really want to. And what happens when you do something too much? It becomes a habit. Do you really want to be in a Can't-Be-Bothered-Funk 24/7?!??

My guess is no. So do yourself a favour and just admit to yourself that today you're not feeling like Captain Awesome.

MILK IT!!!! 

I know right? Not quite the solution you were expecting.

I truly believe that in acknowledging where you are, you must then feed and nurture those feelings and emotions that have come up for you.

By this I mean eating the whole chocolate bar, watching awful rom-com movies, moping, complaining, crying, feeling sorry for yourself - whatever it is that you do in your funk, DO IT.

Go 100% (I like to call this 'planned-funking'. This means that you are committing to delve into the depths of your funk and give it EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT - for a set amount of time).

Set Up a Schedule

Create a wee schedule of things to do over the week. These things can be anything from your favourite activities, people you want to see, foods you like to eat, exercise you enjoy, places you like to visit etc. The sky is the limit!

Just start off with maybe 1 - 2 things a week. Keep it simple. If you start with too many things after such a substantial period of not doing anything, you could totally overwhelm yourself and send yourself deeper into the funk - which is totally not what you or I want!

Seek Out Your Friends

I thank the universe everyday for my wonderful friends. Friends are your soul therapists and it's important you visit them often.

Have coffee, set up a lunch and just talk to them. You don't have to tell them everything if you don't want to but just get some stuff off your chest. More often than not your friends will know exactly what you're talking about and can offer their advice.

Think About Your Ideal Future

Think about how you want things to be in the future. Think about everything from where you're living, working, traveling and wandering to the people you're with, the foods you're eating and the activities you're doing.

The idea is to inspire yourself outta the funk. This totally worked for me because I made my goals bigger than myself.

Give Yourself a Break

And last but certainly not least, learn to cut yourself some slack.

Everything has it's place and for you to be feeling this way is the perfect timing for what lessons you're needing to learn.

Like I said, EVERYONE goes through this. It may last a week, a month, a year or many years but the best thing of all is that the control of that is all in your hands.

In the comments below, let me know what steps you're going to take from today onwards to help yourself get outta your funk.

Elise x

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Aug 16, 2012

The Greatest Way to Accept Yourself

Earlier in the year I hit a wall.

A 'feel-like-crap' wall.

Blame it on the weather or whatever but I hadn't exercised in over 3 days and I was feeling it.

The little negative creatures crept in and started playing havoc on my mind.

"You should have been exercising today", "You're going to get fat if you carry on like this".

Uck, yucky! *shake it OFF*

Then the most amazing thing happens.....

My man comes over and sits with me (he can obviously see I'm moping feeling sorry for myself). I tell him how I'm feeling and he understands me completely - he's kinda wonderful like that. He says to me that I shouldn't feel like shit and reminded me of everything I've achieved to this date and that is an amazing accomplishment for me.

Then he said something to me that really resonated with me. He said "You have to accept yourself for exactly who you are right now because if it doesn't change now, it won't change later."

I said "But how do I do that?"

He then went on to say that the greatest way to accepting yourself is to create a daily checklist.

I know right, not exactly as soul defining as you would think huh..

To create this checklist you take these simple steps:
  • Get out your journal/diary/calender/a piece of paper and pen.
  • Draw 2 - 5 bullet points (I started off with 3, I highly recommend starting small)
  • Write down 2 - 5 things you would like to complete each day. (This can be anything from write posting things on your fb business page to spending time patting the cat. Anything that is important to you.)
  • When you wake up in the morning make sure those tasks are completed first thing.

The purpose of the checklist is that after a month when you look back at all the tasks you have completed, while seeming small at the time, is actually now a substantial accomplishment!

By doing this I have accomplished becoming extremely fit, living in the moment more, doing the things that make me happy and creating a magical relationship with my partner.

If you planned to exercise for 40 mins a day every day, you would be fitter, healthier, thinner stronger and mentally fit! If you decided to write 500 words a day for your online business, you'd have a crap load of content, a great work ethic and great writing skill! If you took out half an hour each night to unwind with candles and relaxing music, you will have a sense of calamity, stress would disappear from your life and you'd become more peaceful within.

What seems so small and insignificant in the beginning can turn into something big and amazing down the track.

So tell me wonderful, what's gonna be on your daily checklist?


P.S Thanks to my wonderful beau for the inspiration for this post.

Aug 13, 2012

How to Feel Really Freakin' Good in 5 Minutes

How awesome is the feeling of 'feeling good'?


Feeling good is like a powerful potion and can be highly addictive (especially if you're in an inspiring location such as Pompeii ^).

During the day when I want a little boost, I do what I like to call 'My Recipe for Feeling Good'.

It's awesome, it's relaxing and it's kinda like a lil pamper for the soul - and the best thing is it only takes 5 mins!

  • Put on your faaaave clothing items! You know what I'm talkin' bout! The mismatching items that aren't all that attractive combined but they are your faaaaave comfy feel good items! My favourite comfy clothing items are my mums grey trackies, a workout tee and my fluffy pink dressing gown (SO attractive).
  • Make your favourite drink: Drinks are powerful. We need fluids every single day and I know you drink something regularly! So make it! I LOVE milo (an awesome NZ version of hot choc) or lemon and ginger tea, it makes me feel oh so warm and cosy.
  • Curl up in your favourite spot in your house: The place you always sit - everyone has a 'spot'. What's yours? Mine is the left leather chair in the lounge and my side of the bed. ;)
  • Play your favourite tunes: Whether it be on your ipod, your stereo or a CD - put it on and tune out with your favourite tunes. I usually put on a little soul funk by Lady Daisey or some Alternative Jazz by Zero 7. Good stuff!
  • Think about one of your favourite memories: It can be a memory that made you laugh or a moment where you felt the greatest. One I can think off from the top of my head is when I was at Lake Como with my Mum and our friend Vicky and as mum when to sit down on this step to take a photo she didn't realize she put her hand in a big pile of dog sh*t. I've never laughed so hard in my life!

So there ya go! Try these out! I do this when I want a boost and am feeling like an alternative from my bat shit happy technique!

Also, I'd LOVE to know what your 5 favourite things from above are! Feel free to let me know in the comments below.


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Aug 10, 2012

How to Make Your Blog More Attractive

So you wanna know how you can spice things up a lil on your blog (or website)? Well, the look & feel of your website is probably the most underestimated and important thing to get right.

Different colour schemes draw people in. Like for instance, I know that I'm more attracted to blogs with pinks and purples in their design concept. And I've also found that websites with brown or beige colours really put me off. I'm not a fan.

If you've been stressing out about what colours to use and how to make your blog more attractive, use my 6 top tips to get your blog looking HOTT today.

1. Have a Juicy Tagline

If you have a blog that's say or maybe, you gotta have a tagline in your header to say what your business is about.

Don't be afraid to tell people what you do even if it's only tips on styling thick wavy hair. It's your quickest way to a fan base because your visitors will know exactly what to expect and what you offer.

Specificity is sexy. Take 5 - 10 minutes to really think about your blog and what you offer and sum it up in a short sentence that people will understand and resonate with.

2. Write Badass Titles

Say you're searchin' up the google 'how to get a mint tan for the summer' and you come across two blogs with the exact same content but one has the title '~~**Tanning Up**~~' and the other has the title '6 Quick to Tips to get the Sexiest Tan this Summer!' which would you choose?

Check out Ali Brown's article on the 5 headline formulas that will NEVER go out of style. Great read and a really good guidelines to go by.

Pretty titles are nice but they rarely get you sales and fans so aim for the specific and enticing titles!

3. Go DIY Designer

Biggest pet peeve I have is stumbling onto a blog and it has tacky blog buttons/graphics or ads on the side columns, it take 20 years for the page to load and there hasn't been much effort put into the look at all OR it's still a basic template by the blog provider!

Get your butt over to PicMonkey and design yourself a simple header or graphic for your blog! It's 10x more professional, 10x unique and 10x more magnetic for me and others to magpie your blog!

4. Use Killer Graphics

Whether you take your own photos, use image quotes or pretty pics you found on pinterest - try to have at least one image for each post.

Posts with pics tend to get picked up by the search engines quicker. I don't know why but that benefit alone is awesome. You can also pin your images on pinterest to drive more traffic to your site. WIN!

5. A Dash of Colour! 

Humans respond to colour! Watch a child trying to paint a pretty plain brown box. Does he go for black and grey? NO! He chooses electric blue, nylon green and grapefruit yellow!

Find at least two colour combos that relate to the theme of your blog. It will do wonders!

6. Avoid Using Tacky Widgets! 

I know it's super addictive to put up playlists of your favourite songs but to be honest it's blogger suicide. Going crazy on the extra widgets makes your blog 10x longer to load and therefore runs the risk of pissing off your visitors to the point they click the back button. And we DON'T want that.

My rule is use the minimal amount i.e archive, search and rss sign up.
Today's Question: What can you start implementing today onto your blog to make it more attractive?

Aug 8, 2012

How to Get Bat Shit Happy in 60 Seconds

My Happy Life - Things to Make You Happy

I'm about to share a secret with you that is my sole recipe for life.

I do this almost everyday. I do it when I'm feeling great, when I'm feeling tired, sluggish, when I need a much needed break from the computer. Basically whenever I need or want to get my energy up, I do this.

It's great for YOU too because we all have those moments of 'blah' or 'I just need some inspiration' or 'I'm planning to be unhappy today, go away'.

Here's what you do to get bat shit happy in 60 seconds..

Turn on the stereo to your favourite radio station or grab your ipod and pop it on it's dock and play your favourite up-beat song. Once you push play, for the next 60 seconds go all out. Don't worry about getting it 'right' or looking like a dick or not being into it. You can do it, push yourself.

Push play and...
  • Dance like a MOFO. Go Will Smith on yourself, jump around, bust out some dorky ass moves. Swing your body around like you've got no control, throw in some ninja kicks and old-school disco stu moves. The point is to get a ton of energy out to get your energy UP.

  • Smile like it's STUCK. While doing all of that crazy ass shit above, smile like your on something. Smile like it's stuck on your face and you can't stop. You will look like a psycho, that is assured, but your vibe will be flying higher!

  • Make NOISE. Belt out some sounds! Whether they're words, screams or muffled baby noises just get it out!

Here's an example I LOVE.

By the end of this you'll feel like an absolute twit, BUT, you'll be absolutely buzzing, energized, excited and ready-to-go.

This is my secret recipe for life, if you dig deeper you'll realize this is more than just a 'get happy' exercise. It's a method that consistently keeps your vibe, your energy, your positivity soaring through the roof.

So, in the comments below tell me EXACTLY how you feel after having done this crazy exercise. I wanna know!


Aug 4, 2012

Did You Think You'd Have Your Sh*t Together By Now?

As my 24th birthday approaches (14th of August if you're feeling gift-givey! I'll take any form of ASOS voucher.. :P) I'm having feelings pop up every now and then..

I like to call them fear monsters.

These mythical nightmare-like creatures come out when you're left alone with your mind for too long. They taunt you with things like..

"Holy crap, You're turning 24 and you are not where you thought you'd be."
"OMG, I thought I'd have my shit together by now!"
"What the hell, I was only 17 yesterday!?!"

WATCH OUT, they creep in when you're vulnerable and least expecting it!

I know you know what I'm talking about!

I did some research and dug deep *cough*google*cough* and if you're already banging your head on a wall from the monsters - STOP.

You need to know this.

No one actually has their shit together. No one, no where. Period.

I learned this very early on when my first acting teacher whom I was flatting with had a mental breakdown, overdosed on sleeping pills where I had to rush her to the hospital.

Peeps only seem like they do because they've got everything you don't. But, uncertainty lives within everyone and it never goes away. True story!

So friend, stop beating yourself up for an unrealistic expectation you created for yourself when you were 13. Just let it go and take on these 4 Steps to Busting your 'Expectation' Fears once and for all!

Fear = Action. Okay brace yourself for what I'm about to say... Fear is a bitch healthy! You need fear. Fear is the most powerful emotion that will evoke action out of you. Use it.

If you thought you'd be sippin' margaritas in the bahamas by now and instead you're working 60 hour weeks at your local supermarket for less than minimum wage, start looking up online e-courses to help you create the cash to have your dream lifestyle, join a sports club you've been dying to join, buy those skinny clothes you're going to wear once you drop those kilos!

What is the point of living in the now if you hate it? So live for the ultimate version of yourself. The one you "thought" you'd be. Live as if you were that person now.

Go bananas! Put your favourite playlist on, get up and bounce your butt round the room. Get down like Beyonce. Dance till you can't dance no more.

Dancing (bonus if it's goofy dancing) instantly makes you happier but also cuts the pattern of the 'fear monster thoughts'.

So next time you find the monster creepin' up on you. Dance. Dance like a mofo! Or just exercise.. whatevz.

Meet with yo' peeps: Get with your girls or your boys and talk it out. Not only have I continually found it incredibly healthy to talk about my worries with my girlfriends, but I also discovered that they had all been going through the exact same things.

Everyone has fear, doubt and uncertainty, you'll never be alone on that one. You just like to think you are.. So call your bff up and arrange a coffee date right now. Communication is more than key, it's the answer!

Keep doing what's good: Well obviously right? But I honestly believe there are some peeps out there who actually prefer to carry on punishing themselves (Uh, hello job that I despise but spend 90% of my time at..)

If something isn't working and you're not enjoying it, STOP DOING IT. Fill your time with the things that feel good to you, that make you do better, that's one of the quickest ways to "get your shit together", by doing the things you enjoy. Shock horror.

If you're wondering why some people seem like they have it all figured out, don't look at their wallets, their fancy house or their relationships. Look to the inside. They do the things that make them the happiest, they take chances on the things they really want, they take action when it's necessary and they communicate when it's not working.

That's the secret recipe for busting your fears and living the successful life you 'thought' you'd be living right now!

So for today's lesson tell me in the comments below where you're letting the fear monsters creep up on you and what is the first bit of action you're going to take today to stop it?