Jun 4, 2013

Letting Go of the "Old" You & Embracing the "New" You

Blue Quartz Crystal | www.elisemcdowell.com

I happened to stumble across the movie-doco 'What The *Bleep* Do We Know!?' which is about quantum physics (and probably a little bit of the law of attraction) and there was one particular bit of information that stood out to me that I want to share with you because I believe it has true relevance to what happens when we feel like our lives are falling apart.

The physicists explained that when we feel an emotion, what's scientifically happening is our brain releases a chemical unique to that emotion into the bloodstream which then signals our body to respond to that emotion in our own unique way.

In non-physicist terms this means that when we're constantly feeling an emotion over and over again (when we feel like we just can't shake it) like loneliness, sadness or even joy, we've actually become addicted to that emotion.

And when we're addicted to that specific emotion, we will consciously and sub-consciously do everything in our power to feel that way as much as possible. Yup, even if it's depression, numbness or inertia. Which explains why we feel so defeated when we're trying everything to change ourselves and transform our lives.

When I heard that I thought "Well wtf can I do now?!" and then there was a lovely part that explained why having that EPIC melt down or feeling like our life is falling apart is actually really really good for us.

When we start asking those questions of "What am I doing with my life? Why am I here? Where am I going?" or start making those statements of "I don't know who I am anymore, I feel lost, I'm not happy" what we're doing is sub-consciously detaching from the old concepts of ourselves.

In other words we are (consciously or sub-consciously) stripping ourselves of our old identities because we're ready to create a new version of ourselves that is no longer attached to anything from our past. The part where we get stuck is in the addiction to those old emotions.

Because we won't or can't give them up we remain stuck in limbo of clinging onto the old version of ourselves while the new version is happily waiting with it's arms stretched out.

So the question really is, how do we let go of the old and what we're chemically attached to and embrace the new?

Well, from my experience so far I believe you have to release your grips by falling into the darkness. That black hole in your core, that emptiness you feel, that heaviness in your heart is where you begin.

That might manifest as an EPIC meltdown or it could be a simple change of heart. It may show up in your choices, you may do something dramatic or finally allow yourself to do something you've wanted. It may come about in owning your power and standing up for yourself or deciding to part ways with negative people in your life.

I found out the hard way there's no amount of physical action that could ever compensate an internal problem. Fall into that emptiness, embrace the heaviness and go into that black hole. I promise you it's not as terrifying as you think and you'll be surprised with what you find.


  1. I'm doing a Blog Giveaway if you are interested :)


  2. Kinda of makes sense. Into the darkness we all go

    1. Lol, yes Lum we are never alone :)

  3. I guess when you hit rock bottom, thats when youcan really go up. For the moment, im not there yet i guess, i lack motivation a lot :(

    1. You don't HAVE to hit rock bottom Steph! You're doing perfectly for where you're at this moment and there aint nothing wrong about it! Just breathe, it's all okay :) xx
