Jul 3, 2015

How To Stop Feeling Broke

I had been dreading this weekend for over a month.

"Do I have to go? I don't want to. I can't afford it. But it's her birthday. I have to go."

To the world, I was the lucky bitch taking an "extended holiday" back home, galavanting all over the land, back and forth to the city.

And I worked hard to keep that as the perception.

Because if they found out the truth - that I'd actually moved back in with my Mother to build an online business with only $80 to my name - they'd disown me solely for my stupidity.

I came up with an array of excuses of why I couldn't go, but no matter what I did, this birthday weekend was still happening. And I was still going. And I was stone cold bitter about it.

The weekend came and went. 

I didn't have some major epiphany that you're supposed to when you're desperation mode, I didn't enjoy myself because I spent the entire time worried about my spending, and I spent my $80 which made my stomach stir.

Those were good times. Really.

Sometimes we can't help the situations we find ourselves in.

Whether a maintenance bill unbeknownst to you flopped into your lap and wiped you out till next payday.

Or you got caught up in the '60% off' Nordstrom sale. 

Or you invested in a business course and now you don't have enough money to pay your rent this week.

It can leave you (dirt) broke.

But it's not about what your situation is. It's about how you feel.

And when you feel broke, that's the danger zone.

How to Stop Feeling Broke

This is an exercise that on the surface looks stupidly simple. But if you do it properly, you wind up feeling so much better (and not broke) instantly.

1. What in your life already makes you feel abundant?

List every single thing in your life that makes you feel abundant already. Is it your car? Your relationship? Your job? House? Health? Go deep into specifics. What in that particular area of your life makes you feel abundant? Drill down even further. Why does it make you feel abundant?

2. What are some small income generating actions you can take today?

I've got your first easy action step, Join The 100k Experiment, and start manifesting your first 100k for free. You could declutter your wardrobe and sell your clothes, promote an affiliate product you love on your website or run a few discovery calls and book your next client. Get creative and think abstractly.

Remember, you have to have the mental shift first (exercise #1) before the go on to the second exercise. If you do, it will be much easier to take those actions without resistance to bring money in.

Side Note: Honestly, you can't do this exercise when you're deep in scarcity. You have to do it when you're a little less resistant, say after you've had a nap, been for a walk or when your energy is elevated. Coffee anyone?

Now I want to hear from you:

What are your tricks to get yourself out of feeling broke? Is there an exercise you go through or do you just let the feelings run their course?

Elise x

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