Sep 6, 2012

21 Self-Love Affirmations

Finding Self Love Affirmations

I know I don't usually post on a Thursday, but I'm just so dang passionate about self-love I really couldn't resist myself.

Plus I'm really excited about sharing these self love quotes and affirmations that you can start using today!

By now I'm sure you know what affirmations are, and yes I understand you might feel like it's bullshit have some resistance against them. But, as you're here reading this right now I truly believe you are willing to do anything that will positively transform your life.

So, friend - here is something that will help.

I'm not saying you have to do it all the time, or that you even have to like it (though it'd help!) but no harm came from trying something positive so give it a shot will ya?

So to begin..

Find a place where you're the most comfortable and feel safe i.e I do it either in my bed or the bath tub. Write the self love affirmations down in a journal, copy and paste into a word file or just say them out loud.

Really try to feel what you're saying. Don't try to rush them. Just feel it. Each affirmation will have a slightly different feeling/trigger point. Note what feels good, what you connect to and leave the others for another time.

You don't need to use them all. I personally believe that the shorter the affirmation the better. There's power in shortness - well I think anyway!

21 Self-Love Affirmations
  1. I am loved.
  2. I am unique.
  3. I am powerful.
  4. I am worthy.
  5. I am valuable.
  6. I am worthy of love.
  7. I am worthy of success.
  8. I am worthy of the fulfilment of my dreams.
  9. I am worthy of happiness
  10. I am learning to approve of myself.
  11. I forgive myself.
  12. I love and accept myself.
  13. I am in the process of feeling great about myself.
  14. I am learning to radiate love and respect.
  15. I accept others as they are and they in turn accept me as I am.
  16. I know I deserve all that is good.
  17. I am never alone.
  18. I am becoming more and more grateful.
  19. I am becoming happier.
  20. I am loving.
  21. I am loving it!

21 Self-Love Affirmations

And above all these beautiful quotes, my favourite one below is by none other than my childhood hero - Walt Disney. Which is also why I made it a tweetable! So click the link and get sharing!

Today's tweetable: "The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique." - Walt Disney via @EliseMcDowell

Aint it juicy? The more you are true to yourself, the more unique you become because there is only one of you honey! (even if you happen to have an identical twin, you're still your own person!)

Elise xo

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