May 16, 2013

Soul-Goals: My Roadmap to a Life Less Ordinary

All I can say is Wow.

I am stunned and completely moved by your amazing responses to my last post. Your emails, facebook messages and comments have uplifted my spirit and given me so much hope. I feel so supported and understood and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for reaching out to me. You are truly an amazing person.

With any journey, there needs to be some sort of a roadmap (even if incredibly vague). Deep down, most of us know how we want to feel in our dream life and so I'm using that as my baseline for mapping my own journey! (If you're not sure of how you want to feel, I highly recommend you get The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte).

I have three core soul-goals I really want to achieve. They're biggies, but I know they will make a huge difference to my life if I just start heading in the direction of them. I know it's not about 'being' anything or 'getting' anywhere nor is it in any way about 'perfection'. These are the goals and achievements my soul craves.

Soul-Goal #1: Make My Wellness a Priority

Self Care: I have neglected myself for far too long. I 100% believe in self love and self care and even know the true benefits of what 'taking care of yourself' does to your life, yet I still let it go by the way side. I know all of these things make me feel good, I just keep avoiding them. I don't know if it's out of fear or laziness but you can bet your ass I am going to make a conscious effort to change this. Bring on daily meditation, mini spa treatments & time for 'play' every day!

Get Active + Have a Love Affair With Food: Call it exercise, fitness or working out, I personally want to move away from those definitions because I associate negatively to them. For me it's about re-connecting with my body and just being active. I've  had terrible body and weight issues, I've shunned, b*tched and picked on her for so long & it hasn't done my well-being any favors. I've recently come to discover I am an emotional eater. The days leading up to my meltdown I was shoving chocolate down like it wasn't going to be produced anymore. I had no idea why but after I let it all out, my eating patterns returned to normal. I don't believe in deprivation or dieting, I'm excited about trying on the new 80/20 lifestyle for size. I think it's a winner.

Make My Home A Beautiful Love Nest: Gotta say, never in a million years thought I'd ever wanna make a love nest. But as I've gotten older I realize just how important your living environment is so I'm going to discover my personal style and figure out my taste in decor. I will bring more of the colours that make me feel alive as well as finally create my dream wardrobe. No more cheap clothes that will do for now. I'm going to create the most fun, beautiful and romantic way of living.

 Soul-Goal #2: Create even more of an EPIC Love Story

Sexy Dates: One of my favourite things to do with my man is our date nights. It could be dinner and a movie, glow in the dark mini-golf or a night at a boutique hotel. I really want to focus more on this and create even more beautiful, meaningful and sexy dates.

Romantic Adventures: Due to finances we haven't been able to get away as much as previous years. It can sometimes really take a toll on the romance in a relationship but that's why I'm going to spend these next 6 months cultivating new and romantic ways we can go on adventures, even if it's in our own backyard! Nothing delights me more than surprising my man with a fun gift or a beautiful dinner so I want to make a conscious effort to do it more often. Especially for small celebrations that we tend to shrug off. We're both working toward things were so deeply passionate about, so when either of us make a little progress - it's going to be made into a party!

Soul-Goal #3: Build a Beautiful & Fun Lifestyle Biz

Heart-Centered Blogging: I'm going to write more posts from my heart than anything. I want to be as real and authentic as I can possibly be about the subjects I'm going to be writing about. I aim to make this blog a buzzing community of young fun-loving, ambitious and confident women who wanna take on life by the horns.

Abundance: As with any business comes abundance and money. In the next 6 months I want to not only transform my life but my business as well. I want to create an incredible lifestyle business that is inspiring, evoking & loveable. Bring it.

If you have the courage, I would really (really) be honored if you shared some of your soul-goals with me in the comments below. This is your first step in showing up for yourself, declaring what you want (and don't want) even if you're not 100% sure of it. Let's celebrate this first step by standing up for ourselves. I know you can do it hun!

All images sourced here


  1. Elsie, you are a beautiful soul! All the very very best! Rock on babe, I am sure you will do all of it ..sending you love and hugs! :)

    1. Aw thank you hun! Your support means so much to me!xx

  2. Wow Elise, I completely identify with all of the above, infact I feel like I was reading my own life story! It is so comforting when you realise that you really arent alone in this crazy world and that showing vulnerability opens you up for healing. So thank you, I am with you all the way! Love your blog and your message :)

    1. Aw Tash I'm so glad you resonated with this post! You're not the first person to have said that either! I think it's because these soul-goals are just that for women, Soul Goals. They resonate deep within us because that is our natural feminine state. Let's keep it up! The happier we women are, the more we infect the world with our happiness!xx
