Dec 28, 2012

DON'T Make a Resolution to Lose Weight

fastest way to lose weight naturally

Just don't do it. Don't do that to yourself.

There is so much negativity tied up in that one declaration.

  1. You're telling yourself you're not good enough now.
  2. You're purposely setting yourself up to fail.
  3. It makes you feel bad about yourself.

All great indicators not to make that damn resolution.

Instead, make a resolution to work on your thoughts, to better how you feel and do all the fun and exciting things you would do if you were already thin. Stop waiting on the weight. Go to the root of the problem, not the cause.

Believe it or not, those three examples lead to weight loss. Say whaaat? You didn't see anything about weight loss in there!

Yup, training your mind and not your ass and doing before getting is a more healthy way to lose weight but also the fastest way to lose weight..

How do I figure that?

As Marianne Williamson and Tony Robbins both say.. "Your body is a response to your thoughts, not the other way around."

Read that again; Your body is a response to your thoughts.

Your thoughts are the cause of your wanting to lose weight (or gain it), your body isn't!! Poor thing is just responding to what you're thinking.

So my friend, if your resolution is to lose the weight or get fit..

Intend to work on the mind because until you start making changes to your psychology you'll yo-yo around diets and exercise. You'll lose the weight only to gain it back because you didn't work on the foundation.


Give yourself permission to do the things you wanna do when you're thin, right now. That's actually the real secret to weight loss, letting yourself be who you truly are. So stop waiting on the weight and go out and buy that hot dress, become self employed, pursue your dancing dreams and LIVE. The point of life is to LIVE, not wait till everything is perfectly lined up.

Be kind to yourself over these holidays, use my favourite affirmation "I am perfect the way I am as I am"

Don't beat yourself up for not sticking to your daily practice/exercise routine/diet over this period. This time is about relaxation, recuperation and being with loved ones.

Your worth is not tied up in your size, your weight or body image. You are perfect now.

Let's make 2013 the year we stop punishing ourselves. I'm with you on this one too buddy.

Elise xo


  1. With any resolution I make, I start on it right then and there. I do not wait for the beginning of a new year, the beginning of a season, or the beginning of a week. I figure if I am serious about making a change, the best time to start is when I make the commitment.

    As for weight loss - I need to lose weight. My strategy is that when I think I am hungry, I ask myself a couple of questions. 1. Am I really hungry or am I just bored? 2. If I am hungry, am I hungry enough to eat a piece of fruit or a raw vegetable? If the answers are no, there is no reason to eat.

  2. Love this! Thoughts definitely inform my health, I completely agree. :)

    - Laura
