The second half was about three Billionaires - Guy Laliberte, Lynn Tilton and John Paul Dejoria. In which they all shared how they made their success and billions of dollars, how they give back and their success secrets (winning formulas).
It was extremely interesting watching and listening to these billionaires talk about success. Why? Because all three of these billionaires have four things in common;
1) Their circumstances motivated them.
Guy Laliberte was a penniless street performer living in Canada and his father was so disappointed by with him and his choice of life path.
Lynn Tilton was an ex wall street exec beaten down by the harassment of men in the company she worked for.
John Paul Dejoria lived out of a car with his infant son after his wife left him and took all their money!
They were unhappy with their circumstances, yes, but this is what gave them that deep motivation to get out of it, to succeed.
Like you with your acting. Are you unhappy with the current circumstances you are facing? What will motivate you to get out of that funk?
Complaining all the time and being unhappy ensures deep down that you know there is something better out there for you. So what is that?
2) They took risks!
Guy Laliberte created his own circus performance with his street performing friends. He spent every last bit of money he had to take the show to LA (if they weren't successful he wouldn't have had enough money to bring the equipment back!). He took a risk and banked everything on this little circus performance he had created because he believed ruthlessly in himself. Today that little 'circus' show is Cirque du Soleil.
"We make people forget their problems for a couple of hours. Its great, it's good for the soul."
- Guy Laliberte
- Guy Laliberte
Lynn Tilton's father visited her in a dream telling her that what she had been going through was not the plan he had in mind for her. So instead she set out on a personal mission to save jobs for Americans. She also buys companies that aren't doing well, re-invents them and makes them successful.
Lynn says her motivation was her fear. She was living in constant fear every single day. Fear of losing her job, fear of not being able to support her family, fear of failure. She said she literally believed she couldn't go on every day for much longer. So instead she used this fear and created Patriarch Partners.
John Paul Dejoria took a huge risk and spent the last of his money - which was $700 at the time - and used it to make a shampoo hair care product. That $700 turned him into a billionaire all because he took a giant risk.
As an actor, what is holding you back? What is a risk you're afraid of taking?
3) They reject rejection.
"Rejection is part of being successful." - John Paul Dejoria
Take a look at Guy, Lynn or John - they all got rejected many times over, but they kept persisting. They had an unwavering faith in themselves. You should have unwavering faith as well, no matter what!
Rather than seeing rejection or failure as defeat, successful people see it as a challenge to power through. They have an ability to overcome failure. Most would go home and cry, but successful people don't.
"One of the things that make billionaires successful is their reaction to failure."
Take a look at Guy, Lynn or John - they all got rejected many times over, but they kept persisting. They had an unwavering faith in themselves. You should have unwavering faith as well, no matter what!
"Successful people do all the things unsuccessful people don't want to do." - John Paul Dejoria
4) They give back to the world.
"We were raised to give back to the world." - Lynn Tilton
In every single book I've read about successful people from billionaires to real estate gurus to best selling authors to multi-million dollar investors and to A-list actors they all state one very clear thing.
If you want to be really successful, you must give back.
It doesn't mean the obvious - give money. There's more to giving than just money. Think about your time, your community, others (actors) like you. What can you give to them? Because it comes back a hundredfold!
So there you go! These are the fundamental secrets of billionaires! And if you think about it, it's actually quite simple..
Make your dream your personal mission, exude confidence, charm everybody, love what you do, take risks everyday, dream BIG, create personal challenges, do things on purpose, affect people on purpose, get ruthless, get tough and speak the truth.
"Don't do what you do for the money. Do whatever path you choose because it makes your heart beat faster. Because success comes from following your passion." - Lynn Tilton.